I mentioned about my Ixus i Zoom’s E18 error yesterday right? I did a search on the net and guess what!?!??! It can be easily fixed! The camera don’t have to go RIP I tried the options provided to Repair Canon E18 Error but nothing work!
This is my camera taken with my sis’ camera, luckily she’s back in time as I need a camera later for food tasting session. Phew… This is what you see… The lens cannot retract at all…
After all the steps, we had to go to the extreme by dismantling it but this is not that extreme yet as we only dismantled it halfway and some people actually went even more extreme by banging the camera to hard surface with full force and it works! I did try to bang it but I dare not to bang too hard because I’m afraid later it leads to another problem, the CCD problem due to the impact which would be worst than this E18.
So… Dismantling it that’s it but to no avail.
Still cannot fix it because we dared not to go further, there are too many “layers” so we screwed everything back in place. Had to go further by dismantling even more pieces to take out the lens.
Basically every part of it have to come off. Pretty risky. So decided to bring it to camera shop and ask them dismantle it, it shouldn’t be too expensive as the major problem for E18 is due to dust or sand or the lens might have come out from its intended place and got stuck due to some unintended impact, there is nothing to replace according to the website, just need to place the lens back to its original location and clean the surrounding. So need people with the skill to do it.
Any place to recommend?
my goodness..
u totally dismantled it LOLOL
Try Canon Marketing at Pending By pass
minny, hehehe… partially, dare not to go totally LOL…
Roland, the rule with Canon is that once the warranty is out, don’t ever bring it back to them because their charges will enable you to just go buy a new camera even with very minor problem. Imagine just sending in for them to inspect will need u to pay RM50, the repair fee would be nuts. ;p Just bring it to anyone that knows how to dismantle and put them all back will do the trick
You can try Empress. They are located at India Street. You can see their sign board. They are facing just opposite the court house
Prolly you should give them a call to check and see how much they charge first..
Alex, got any contact number? I’m thinking of going there hahaha…
Eh, why dismantling, look for repair shop la.
Eh, why dismantling? Look for repair shop la.
jam, at first thought can do it easily mar, who knows after took out the first “layer”, notice that there are more “layers” to take out to reach the lens, so screwed them back hahaha… Now looking for shop that can take out everything and put back everything again so that the misalignment of the lens can be fixed. Actually we can do it ourselves but just don’t want to take the risk.
Poor cammie ..
ahlost yealo… kolian si…
It is time, Irene.
DSLR !!!!
Robin, hahaha… Not really
Even if I get a DSLR, I will still need a compact one, so I need two of them hahaha…