Almost a week not updating this blog. I’m still alive! Don’t worry. As if anyone would care ;p
It’s a crazy week! Suddenly I got a part-time job offer without going tru’ interview, what’s more I have got no experience in it too. Thought it was a case of mistaken identity but good to know that it’s not. It’s better than what I asked for. Thank you for this opportunity and might be given the opportunity to travel to major towns in Sarawak for it. Due to this, I’ve been busy sourcing materials and also revising the whole thing to refresh my memory of what I had learned 10 years ago just for this weekend! As if going to sit for major exam. Not saying what’s the job nature is (don’t wanna jinxed it yet.) but let’s just say that it’s something I’ve been looking forward to do since I came back last year but after tonnes of resume submissions, no one contacted me even for an interview. I almost lost faith in it.
Then, yesterday, I got a call asking me to go for an interview. Supposed to be today but I told the person that I’m too occupied this week, can only do it next week. Will be going for the interview on Monday. Again, it’s a totally different industry. Don’t know what kind of job as I just submitted my resume to my friend and she passed it to her superior. There’s quite a number of positions available, we’ll see which one they will ask me to do. I’m pretty much open to anything as long that I am confident that I can handle it. There’s one problem though… It’s a full-time job. I will have to let go of many things (attend events and potential sponsored trips) and even the just accepted part-time job, I’m so afraid of working full-time for people. I’ve been self-employed for almost 10 years! It’s going to be hard. Sigh… Dilemma… If I want to learn something new, see more, get stable income, and to meet the potential other half(according to my ex-colleague *LOL*), I will have to take this step. I wonder will I be able to even hold a full-time job for 3 months. We’ll see how it goes next week.
In fact I had the urge to attend Emirates cabin crew open day which happened yesterday as I found out that I have an arm reach of more than 212cm even though I’m quite short. I have long arm ;p I submitted my application online and wasn’t shortlisted for the interview. However, I actually thought of going there to submit my application on the spot, who knows it might yield a different result but at the end I didn’t go hehehe… First, I chickened out. Second, my time was quite tight with this weekend job preparations. I would still go there to have a look if I got nothing to do as I’m quite curious with how the whole process is.
That’s all for now. I’ll be back next week
Hi Irene, here’s wishing you all the very best in your coming interview.
I have twice in my life accepted jobs I was not familiar with.
But used both to gain experience, learning as much as I could the few years in the 2 companies…and then it paid off. I landed my dream job.
Good luck.
Best regards.
Hello hello Uncle Lee! Thanks. Finally have time to sit down and reply.