I was looking at sky just now and saw the beautiful cloud formation. So I decided to take some pictures of it. After taking, I just stared at it, admiring the beauty of nature…
Then… Suddenly… I thought my vision was having a bit of problem after staring at the sky for quite sometimes… I saw some hints of colours!! Looked carefully, WOW… They were the colours of rainbow!
I looked at it again and it’s getting more and more obvious after the cloud “split apart”. It’s much nicer in the eyes than in the photos.
After sometimes, the cloud “closed” and only left with a small hint of pink light. Not long after that, it’s back to the original.
I know I’m very “suaku” la… I know it’s not aurora la… *LOL* It’s amazing how mother nature works. I think sometimes we should just stop for a while and appreciate the simplest thing in life in this hectic world.
War of the world..
when you saw this..
tat’s means big earthquake coming soon…
few days ago i saw too…
Huh? Is it? *SHIVER*
i always love the sky.. =) it never fails to amaze me.
Neo, speechless
Allen, me too.
whoahhhh…. beautifully captured… unker ho would really appreciate the fake “aurora” pictures…
one day… i will travel north and really go see the aurora.. MUST SEE !!!
Yes… Yes… The real aurora at Alaska right?(if not mistaken :P) I wish to see real one too one day.
god is awesome :p
Nice hoh? Hehehe…