Just a quick update today. Feel very tired with everything.
Anyway, my parents bought 3 Anabas testudineus back few days ago while on the way back to Kuching from Sadong. Wonder how long can they last? Hahaha…
The locals known it as “Batok” or “Betok”, can be found in the stream especially near the paddy field(that’s what my parents told me *LOL* I got no idea at all). The scientific name is Anabas testudineus. I tried to Googled the English name and I think it’s known as the Climbing perch.
Not any pretty fish. To me they are quite ugly hahaha… One of them actually doesn’t have an eye -.-“, the one at the corner right, down there. So yucky when look at the hole of the eye. Eww… My parents didn’t notice it when they bought it. It gave me a shock when I found out while taking photos of them.
Betok is essential nowadays to be kept as pet as we Iban believe that it can actually reverse the magic spell people chant to break your house. Yesss, you ask your parents if you don’t believe me.
Yea… I heard my mom mentioned about it.