I’ve been looking for a GOOD template for my blog as I want to make it into a 3-column one due to my sidebar getting longer and longer and messier. However, I can’t seem to find any. It’s not the design that I mean, well… Design does contribute a bit on my decision though I can modifed the design myself however I don’t want to spend too much time on revamping the whole template. It’s the functionalities that matter the most to me.
The one I’m using now is Cutline, I love this a lot. It took me quite sometimes to modified the design though still not to my liking, I don’t think I want to spend too much time to modified it till I’m satisfied. As long that it’s clean it’s enough. Besides that, the reason I choose this is also due to their functionalities.
I came across a lot of templates that are not so bad on the design part but the functionalities sucks big time!
1. They don’t have an archive page that comes with it! I know I can add in one if I want but like I said, I’m damn lazy to find out OK?!?! I don’t want my whole monthly archive listed at the sidebar. I hate that! This problem is very rampant in 3-column template.
2. There is no way to go to “next” or “previous” post when you are in an individual post. It’s so hard to read a person blog without it. This feature is very important. I know I can add it in but again I don’t want to spend my time tweaking the codes. Thank you very much.
3. There are also templates that do not provide you with going to the “next” or “previous” page right below the end of the page. It’s giving visitors hard time to read previous posts. Let’s say I have 10 posts in my first page, I can’t go to the previous 10 posts at all. The only way for me to do so is to click on the monthly archive. HECK! I don’t want to go filter them out and find the post the I haven’t read yet. It’s such a waste of time! It’s so convenient to navigate a person’s blog when there are links below the page.
How I wish Cutline can have a 3-column one so that I do not need to revamp everything. I’ve been changing a lot of the CSS and the PHP, I don’t want to go tru’ this whole thing all over again with new template. It needs a lot of time and I don’t have such time to spend!
If anyone manage to find template that have the 3 functionalities available for me, I will definitely consider them. If possible I want a clean template design also because I don’t want to change so many of the CSS and do so many graphics.
Maybe I should add a column to this template by myself hmmm… It’s going to need a lot of time and experimenting. -.-”
Hi! thanks for leaving a comment in my post. I cant seem to find you another blog -__-“.
but anyway, your blog is very nice. Love the layout and pleasent to my eye :p
Hello babyfiona. Hahaha… It’s actually in listed here, it’s catscity.net. *point the the sidebar* Hahaha… Thanks for the compliment. Let’s exchange link!
lol.. thought u didn’t like exchanging links..
i wanna get 4 column theme..
Huh? Who say one? Hahaha… 4 column too crowded, cannnot fit my photo size
3 column plus footer…
4 column=3 column plus footer?
footer at the bottom like K2 theme
That type? I hate it!
hahaha… what do you like… ?
tell me… tell the world…
if i happen to see any of those.. i’ll forward to u…
none so far… not cutline
I found Cutline 3-column already and try to modified my layout based on its code but tried it last night and failed. Apparently it’s not that easy. Need to find time to tinker around it.
can’t use the cutline out of the box?
no need to tinker tinker..haha..
if wan to tinker then tinker the 3-column much easier…
Yealo… Have to redo everything. See how first… I did too many changes to the original design(this one) already, and now have to redo everything again -.-” Need to find time to change the design in 3-column one. Jiat lat… Have to dig out everything, compare and change, change, change.
i think ur cutline also old version d… u long time didn’t update ur cutline leh..
i see got a lot of new functions tht u dun hv it here also geh…
u work on own 1 ma.. sure can find free time..
Yeap old version, hmm… should be second version, my wordpress also old version, I dare not to upgrade, later many problems have to fix. I had also changed some of the codes to the new version one. Many functions I threw away lar… I don’t need them hahaha… It’s not the same as the original one anymore.
ya la.. i can see. even the categories title all those u customised ma. give it a pinkish look jor
Need a lot of time. See when free then do lar. Not that kintio
kintio??? wah.. new word. what does it mean?
not in a hurry??
Yeap, kintio=in a hurry