This is the second part of tHe Spring Ambassador Hunt Finale. So… I was eliminated.
These are the top 3. Fahri, Naomi, and Morgan. They each performed a talent. Fahri danced, Naomi sang, Morgan played the keyboard.
Announcing the winners… The judges and sponsors were on stage too.
Left: Fahri, the second runner up.
Right: Who’s the Ambassador?
Left: Naomi, the first runner up.
Right: Morgan, the winner of tHe Spring Ambassador Hunt.
Grand prize winners got RM2000+UCSI scholarship+1 year level Up Fitness membership+shopping vouchers
Both 1st and 2nd runner up for RM1000+UCSI scholarship+3 months level Up Fitness membership/each
I’m not sure about the amount of the shopping vouchers though. The three might get them or it’s only for the grand prize winner? I have no clue at all as I didn’t pay attention and I was there for fun only.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Our group photos… It was a fun experience and got to know many new friends. I would say we took care of each other and work together very well. There’s never issue or tension that cropped up at all during the duration of the contest. Kudos everyone!
Before I end this chapter, going to show you my photo again with myself! ;p
I so love my hair in this photo!!
The end.
congrats to all of you. Must be fun la. If I was in Kuching, I would love to watch all this. =(
Congrats! Btw, you look amazingly pretty in red. =P
sorry2… tolong edit my previous comment… us= you… i=I w ouldlove=would love… LOL
Amiey, thanks. Hehehe… Edited it 😉
like ur hair in the photo too…
Cyril, thanks. Congrats for what? Hmmm… *LOL*
congrats for making it this far <– kaypoh help Cyril to answer 😀
Oh btw.. What is the ambassador of the spring supposed to do ??
Morgan won the title but he's not in town? Then, what is this contest all about ler?
Sorry.. I am just curious .. hehehe..
ahlost, I also don’t know how to answer you and I don’t think I can say anything here *LOL*